“The typical patient seen in the National Problem Gambling Clinic (NPGC) is a white-collar male in his mid-30s who has one or even two jobs to help to fuel his addiction, research seen by The Times shows.”
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“Henrietta Bowden-Jones, a consultant psychiatrist who set up the clinic, said: “It is very unusual because we are looking at a highly functioning group of individuals overall. These are people who are skilled at what they do and are respected and trusted by their employers.”
Of the intake so far, lifetime gambling debts have ranged from £2,000 to £500,000.
Dr Bowden-Jones said that the flood of referrals was “worrying and fascinating” and emphasised the importance of NHS involvement. Until now gambling treatment has been offered by self-help groups, charities and private clinics that are beyond the budgets of most problem gamblers.”