Henrietta Bowden-Jones speaks at the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ President’s Lecture

“Professor Bowden-Jones talked about Breaking Free: How To Stop Gambling which is a new self-help guide for individuals who already know or think they have a problem with gambling, as well as family members and friends seeking advice for their loved ones.  It is currently estimated that 1% of the UK population have an issue with severe problem gambling, with a further two million though to be at risk of worsening problems.

The book is full of worksheets, questionnaires and other practical materials, designed in the National Problem Gambling Clinic (which until recently, was the UK’s only service dedicated to problem gambling), which was founded by one of the book’s editors, Henrietta Bowden-Jones OBE. The materials are designed to help the reader evaluate the extent of their addiction, and form strategies to help combat it.

Followed by a live Q&A session hosted by Dr Adrian James, President, The Royal College of Psychiatrists.”
